[Other] Disney won't hurt Netflix by stealing subscribers — but it will make it harder for Netflix to raise prices

None of these streaming sites will win, They will spilt the content so much that people won't think it's worth it to subscribe.

Netflix is just full of "Woke" shows now and has lost lots of it's great shows/Movies to other streaming sites.

Disney+ will just be full of Disney movies/shows you have already seen 20 times, and to many MCU shows which would cause people to get fatigue, and star wars which is a "dying" franchise.

Apple TV+ will probably cost $1000 a month with very little content.

Netflix will stay king for atleast the next 5-10 years because people don't like switching.

The best thing to happen would be a new "site" that would allow you to pay a monthly fee to access all these streaming sites.. $20 a month would be reasonable.

/r/boxoffice Thread Link - cnbc.com