Otto Warmbier, freed by North Korea, has died

Brain tissue doesn't just disappear. It sounds very much as if Otto was subjected to experimentation, and I strongly suspect that this evil regime carried out those experiments for their vile twisted political ends. Why the international community has tolerated this aberration of a state, devoid of every aspect of civilised behaviour domestically and internationally, is beyond belief and shows what a totally useless organisation is the UN.

Of the 7,190 American POW's captured by North Korea in the war, 3,000 died in captivity, primarily due to starvation. There were reports of America POW's not returned in the prisoner exchange following the armistice. North Korea detained thousands of South Korean POW's, claiming they died in captivity. Amazingly, 79 managed to escape and tell a different story. North Korea is an isolated, totalitarian regime ruled by the same crazy family for generations. If these facts don't dissuade people from visiting this cruel country, then no one should be surprised of a bad outcome.

I recommend reading the Pulitzer Prize winning novel THE ORPHAN MASTER'S SON by Adam Johnson to anyone who is interested in gaining some insight into the mindset of a people who have been abused, kept in the dark. and misled about everything going on in the world for 60 years.

Must add though, The NK regime is disgusting but so is the routine torture of suspects held without trial in Guantanamo Bay.

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