Overheard my boyfriends mom make a passive remark about wanting grandchildren

I 100 percent agree. Also, to your last point, ignorance is generally dispelled with education - and a form of education is experience and exposure to other cultures, other people etc. generally as the world has become more interconnected and globalised due to the internet etc. people have become more progressive as a rule of thumb. But unfortunately there are always exceptions, regardless of their identity. The identifier that divides just gets broader the more interconnected a society or society of societies is. The sad thing is we can only transcend maybe one, and then not even that as it will only be a thin veil covering division I think only when there is something greater than our species as a whole present will humanity have a chance of a strong shared identity.

In all the vectors that identity divides, that were largely until the colonization of America and mass immigration very intertwined, these , in the least, being Ethnicity/Geography/Theology, but also Class, Ideology and the most recent ones Orientation and Gender, there is only one thing that we all share in common. Our humanity. And I believe that only with a shared existential threat will that identity be strong enough to transcend the rest. And that will first take a unified earth government (which is very unlikely to happen, ever), or colinisation of other planets to happen, so that as the centuries wear on a strong 'Old Earth' identity will take hold, unfortunately along with the exclusion, exploitation and persecution of all 'off worlder' colonists as an 'other' group. And the only thing to then transcend this and bring about the thin veil of identity as an entire species? The discovery of intelligent life close enough to us to be a potential threat. Then they become the 'Others'. Unfortunately this is what unites people, and always have, according to history, anthropology, psychology and nature. And even then, issues of identity will still divide at a micro level, even when we are unified as a solar system spanning society, it's just that at the macro level there is a thin plaster covering the wound of division so you do not notice it as much. e.g. say there is a town, and everyone has the shared identity of being from that town, and there are two high schools in that town and the people that go to those two seperate highschools have the identity of going to their respective highschools. 95% of the time there will be a rivalry, atleast, between the two schools and they will fights, unless the their identity connected to being from that town is stronger than their identity of attendance to their specific school. And that is a battle in the psychology of each and every student, in some the town will take precedence, in others the school. So some won't have a problem with the otherschool, may even have friends that go there. But other students will meet up with students from the other school in maccies carpark at lunch and fight. Even though they come from the same town, the same county and the same country, they are of the same ethnicity and religion and of the same orientation. It only takes one vector of identity out of atleast 7 to divide a society, and in extreme but all to common circumstances, conflict to take place. This has been an interesting ramble you got me going on, and I have come to the conclusion that identity will always divide us.

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