Own Your Shit Weekly - May 05, 2015

Maybe this isn't a unique start to a thread but - here goes. Married 20 years. I'm 50 and she's 43. Were both pretty good looking for middle age people. You'd maybe call my wife a milf. One child - 12 years old. A girl. I don't want to have sex with my wife anymore. We haven't had sex in three or four years. I've stopped counting. She's not bothered by this really - I don't think. We've had honest talks about it and I don't think she really misses sex or cares. I don't think she's the type to cheat and I've seen no evidence of it. She seems perfectly happy otherwise.
I don't know why but nothing will kill my erection faster than the sight of my wife's naked body. Also, her vagina kind of smells funny - not good. Stop laughing asshole, this isn't funny. Back when we used to have sex, I made a few carefully worded comments and she took steps to clean and has been examined by a doctor etc., Can't explain it. Just kind of stinks.
Otherwise we get along fine. We raise our daughter and take care of our house. Dinner with our daughter every night. We share experiences and even have some fun once in a while. We spend a lot of time together. It's not a drag but we simply don't have sex.
I'm not leaving my wife. Not as long as we're raising our child. They both need me and I provide financial support and keep them comfortable. I'm not a coward. IMHO men who bail on their wives leaving children behind fatherless are cowards. Sorry to all you guys out there that just split because it got a little uncomfortable, but that's how I feel. I'm not leaving my little girl! Also, I'm not throwing away half of my savings and retirement, property, etc simply because I want to get laid.
My problem: I tired of not having sex. It's been too long. But I still don't want it with my wife. Ever tried to push a rope up hill? I flirt a little with attractive younger women sometimes but haven't taken any action. I fear getting involved with someone outside my marriage is just too big a risk. The thought of a prostitute is disgusting and there's no way I could get access to enough money anonymously to get a high priced call girl etc..
What now?

/r/marriedredpill Thread