Pakistani men can beat wives 'lightly', say Islamic council.

Pretty sure this is about Maldives and as a fellow Maldivian, I agree wholeheartedly. It's even worse (at least for me) as a woman. I was raised as a typical Muslim girl; pray five times a day, be respectful to other people etc. etc. I was tomboyish as a girl and was never reprimanded for it. I played sports, my parents never differentiated between me and my brothers and life was pretty good. And then this Saudi-funded radicalisation happened and my parents took a newfound interest in Islam. They don't know Arabic or English and they take the words of these Saudi-educated mullahs as the absolute truth. I had never even heard of the hijab until I was in my teens and next thing I knew, family and peer pressure had me wearing it (at the age of fourteen too, if you can believe that). Now I am in my mid-twenties and I have never felt further away from Islam or whatever it is these retards yap about. I just don't give a shit anymore and I sure won't be having or raising my children in this country. The saddest part is that there is an entire generation of us with no voice because the constitution of Maldives says that to be a citizen, you HAVE to be a Muslim. There is not safety net to fall on, no one to really turn to, short of packing up everything and leaving the country (which is quite frankly, a terrifying thought) because I honestly don't know where I would go or if I am strong enough to do that. I have some friends who are atheists (like me), who live under the pretence of being Muslims because doing otherwise could mean being dragged to face the Islamic Ministry (or Council, I'm not sure) and coming under government scrutiny. Point being, Maldives was a Muslim country yet, but it was a country that was more open and less restrictive before Saudi propaganda came here. And here's a thought for those who think that 'Muslims' are bad. Take some time to think about what I said here. If anyone of you were to see me on the street, you would see a "Muslim girl in her mid-twenties wearing a hijab”. Inside the confines of my house and privacy, I am an atheist. I don't hate people of other religion and I don't hate gay people like many people would think. My family thinks I haven't settled down with a guy because I haven't fell in love with the right one. Thing is, I do fall in love. I have, over and over and again and it was all with girls and at this point, I don't think it would ever change. But I have to forever hold my silence because I would be ousted from my family, lose my job and punished under the law if someone knew. Where I am living in, I am not allowed fall in love with a girl, I would never be able to marry one and it breaks my heart. I know that there people frustrated with "Muslims" not doing enough about radicalisation. Trust me, it frustrates us too but there is a divide that makes fighting close to impossible. The moderate Muslims are the majority but they tolerate the extremists, who are more or less in power. The rest of us are a silent minority. We are not tolerated by either group and the law technically does not allow us. and yes: I made this account just to get that off my chest. Sorry if I am not making sense in some places, english is not my first lanugage and I was kind of emotional when I wrote this.

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