Partner of someone with DID, need help building her a framework.

For one, her diagnosis doesn’t exactly define her. It is mostly a step to understand what’s happening better.

Having the diagnosis doesn’t mean the world is ending, even though it may seem that way. She already had it before, it’s just something that brings more information into the situation so that she can grow from it and learn how to cope and all.

I’ve dealt with all that she’s going through a majority of this year. It takes some time, and she needs to focus on healing. Yeah the job thing really sucks, and trust me I felt like a worthless piece of shit because I wasn’t able to provide at all due to flashbacks and trauma surfacing like the plague.

But you know what? It turned out okay. Slowly. That’s how ya heal and move past it. By confronting it head on, and focusing on healing all of yourself.

Also, having the diagnosis doesn’t mean she’s completely unfit to work. There’s a fuck ton of people here that have jobs and although some days may be harder than most, we are doing it somehow and someway. So it’s okay for her to take a break and be back to work in the future after she’s a bit better.

/r/DID Thread