DBT therapist with no experience with DID, refusing to interact with alters?

It sounds like to me, she's saying she doesn't want to treat you since she's making it impossible without just straight up telling you she doesn't want to treat you. I think I fucking hate her and I don't even know her! Billing you for extra skills she obtains on your behalf? WTF?! So like, your therapist and this DBT therapist have stuck you in what must feel like an impossible situation. I'd personally tell her no thanks. Maybe some DBT workbooks could be a compromise? The good news is your therapist sounds like they are encouraging you towards DBT therapy and not making it an ultimatum. Ya, straight up, she's not providing what you are paying her for. She's too expensive. Bleh. Her expanding her own fucking brand makes her more money in the long run. So wtf would she be charging that to you for? Is that even legal? I gotta calm down. Point blank she's not capable of tailoring DBT therapy to your needs and that's fucking on her. Not you. And she needs to just say, she can't treat you rather than cause you all this insecurity and confusion and costing you money.

/r/DID Thread