Passing motorist saved the life of an Arizona state trooper

As a non American living in a country with (restricted)firearm access and proportionally very little gun violence, can i ask a hypothetical question?

If you had the choice between living in a society where the second amendment was never written and guns were not a right, but a privilege for those who could prove they needed one, thereby practically eliminating the need for regular citizens to own a weapon because criminals would have severely limited access to them themselves, would you take it or choose to continue living like you are. I understand it is almost certainly too late for anything substantial to be done in your country considering the staggering number of weapons already available, but would you still choose to live like that if you had the choice?

The main argument presented to me for owning a gun is that "bad guys have guns so i need a gun" and variations of "protect my family from bad guys". The 2A directly results in the free availability of them in the first place allowing those criminals access, and the need for regular citizens to now own one as well. I dismiss the notion of having an armed militia to stop a tyrannical government theory because in this day and age its absurd to think that an army of Americans would fight their own countrymen in the streets guerrilla style, even with Trump in charge.

I will freely admit my bias that i am for gun control, and that will almost certainly upset a lof of people, but i and a vast majority of the 1st world live countries where it is successful so to see people defend an armed population instead of trying to work to reduce that is a little insane.

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