Pastor's wife pleas for help for lifetime sexual abuse and forced prostitution committed to her and her sons in South Korea by her husband.

The younger son of the Lee JunHee also posted this, telling his side of the story. Here's the translation:

"Hello, I am my mother’s son. I do not have my own ID (for Nate) so I am using my mother’s. It is true that I have been raped.

Ever since i was 5, I was raped by my father, but that is not all, as I have also been raped by strangers he brought home.

We have been raped by doctors, pastors, and more by the people in Busan. I have been raped by over 300 people and have attempted to sue over 30 people.

My grandfather from my dad’s side, my grandmother from my mom’s side, my grandmother from my dad’s side, my mom’s sister, my mom’s brother, and my mom’s sister’s son have all raped me/ participated in my getting raped.

My father has sold us.

My father and grandfather are pastors. After having us be raped, my father accepted money from those that raped us, but never let us have any money in fear that we would run away. I have been unable to say anything until now because my father has threatened me.

Even now my father is looking for us, but we are revealing this because we do not want to return to him. We have been trying to reveal my father’s crimes since the past September, but rather than helping us, the police actually did not listen to us and threatened us, making me upset and giving me a hard time.

I am writing this now because I want the truth about my father to be released. Our father attempted once to have us put in a mental hospital, but was unable to because we have fled.

I am my father’s successor. I was scared so I did everything he told me to and wanted me to do. We have been on television before and my mom has given interviews, but they refuse to broadcast us (It is not given who “they” are specifically).

My brother has been admitted to a mental hospital because of the shock of being raped by my father. Always before raping us, our father gave us drugs (I don’t know how to translate this, but his father gave them drugs that made them feel more sexually active, etc.) and gave my mother sleeping pills.

My father told me to feed other people the drugs and medicines, so I did. When my dad gave my mom sleeping pills, he ordered me and my brother to rape her in her sleep. He also brought other people in to rape her.

We have talked to reporters. The people we have met and the police do not believe us. Rather, they think that my father is pitiful. Even now, my father is looking for us, but we will fight until the end. That is why I am revealing all of this.

I am 13."

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