The PCGamer writer who justified the censoring of Obsidian and who got told by TotalBiscuit for not quoting the other side (the backer who made the joke) and quoting TheMarySue, called TB TotalBourbon and mocked him caring about proper journalism, has recieved gifts from game devs by his admission

Yes, and we aren't directors. We are merely calling for better ones. Just because we aren't masters of the craft doesn't mean we can't demand that the ones who claim to be of the craft themselves perform better.

That is entirely subjective and ambiguous. No, you cannot demand a developer, creator or whoever else does "better." As that infringes upon their artistic freedom. If they have done something illegal, you can appeal to the relevant authority.

It's not hypocrisy because we aren't journalists.

It is hypocrisy, regardless of who you are. You hold an open double standard and don't even deny it - that is hypocrisy. You are making the same mistakes as them, it doesn't matter if you're a journalist, academic or anyone else.

Allow me to put this another way. [Warning - I don't believe the following, I'm just trying to make you understand this.]

I think all men are evil patriarchal cis-scum and must die. I also believe in equality, pacifism and feminism. But that isn't hypocrisy, because I have no power to enact change Even though I'm actively trying to enact change, and clearly wield some form of nebulous power. Even though by saying one thing and doing the other, I am proving that my standards are either unrealistic, or that I don't believe them myself enough to carry out my own convictions.

Or, allow me to sum up your situation

  • You want ethical standards in Games Journalism
  • You don't act ethically yourself
  • You aren't a journalist
  • Yet you clearly hold a higher responsibility, as you are in a movement committed to changing the status quo.
  • By not conforming to your own supposed standards, you are implying that either they are unreasonable, or you don't fundamentally believe in them yourself.
  • Ergo logical inconsistency and hypocrisy.
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