The Pencilsword: On a Plate

No, the moral of the story is that no matter if people do have kids they can't afford to raise, it's not their fault, because....

Some reason.

Compassion means never asking 'why not birth control'?

And 'why is it acceptable to raise a child in a house with 'people and nothing else?'

Because the one thing nobody in this thread is doing is pointing out that Paula's parents failed her. And if she has a kid, she'll fail that kid in the same way. People who have kids while unable to provide for them will inevitably fail them. And that actually matters.

It's not about whether or not rich people are douchebags. It's about what poor people could actually do to avoid raising generations of poor people.

And frankly, if you're willing to have a kid that you never see because you have nothing in the house ever and have to work two jobs to give it nothing, I don't see why you wouldn't also have another kid when someone gives you an extra $50 per week.

The point is, there are people who will procreate past the point of their ability to provide no matter how much or how little money they have. And that's a responsibility that is on them.

Low cost loans, hell, free housing, none of it makes a difference if people keep making god awful decisions.

But if you point that out, you are 'privelleged' and 'callous'. Well, I get a front row seat to a family who live in state housing, whose 16 year old daughter is pregnant, in which every single person is on welfare, in which nobody works ever. And you know what? These people would continue to be awful no matter how much they were given.

But that doesn't make an inspiring comic designed to make people whose parents didn't have more kids than they could afford feel guilty.

So, yannow.

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