Melanie Griffith was 14 and Don Johnson was 22 when they first met. They started dating in her teens, & Don was in his 20s, was this similar to Elvis/Priscilla relationship?

It makes me sad for her too. Tao and Olivia apparently had an amicable breakup, but she also dumped him, so he was devastated, but one thing I noticed was that since Olivia dumped him he has continued to only "date" women in their 20s. I said "date" because I used to follow him on Instagram for his photography before realizing what a creep he was. He's majorly into psychedelics (not a problem, but plays into the dynamics and ability for these young women to make sound decisions for themselves), orgies with his friends/lovers, and is a Dom. He used to share a lot of photos that were borderline explicit with these often nude young women.

I don't think being a Dom is inherently bad, but to be a Dom to 20 something subs (over and over again, not just 1 girl), to take them to sex parties, when their pre-frontal cortex hasn't finished developing, is pretty disgusting since he's 50 years old and there is a major power imbalance because of his age and "social status."

At least Olivia got out but I wonder if she regrets the relationship. He still follows her on Instagram and likes tweets about her, but she doesn't follow him back. Is it possible she was his first sub and that she carries trauma from being in a BDSM relationship with an older man when she was a teenager? I just think we should all be less hard on her.

edit: I just watched a video on his youtube channel after writing this and saw an interview he posted with his latest sub. She was wearing a collar, called him Daddy (after saying she has daddy issues--something I never would have guessed! /s ), and she just seemed so insecure and desperate for his praise, it made me so sad to watch. To know he is still doing this. How low does one's self-esteem have to be to want to be with this kind of man, let alone to let and want HIM tell YOU what to do? He hasn't aged well and he's not even attractive, so what is the appeal? His sub mentioned her dad died when she was young too, so that also means he's taking advantage of a woman who looks to be 20 years younger, who already has childhood trauma related to her dad. It is sick and I wonder where these girls parents are because she's not the only one he has posted about being his sub in the past. Of course I do not know if Olivia was his sub but you have to admit it's a possibility. Or perhaps this is his way of dealing with the pain of Olivia leaving him---choosing women who can't leave him, who he gets to control. Oh, and the way they talked about their relationship (open, BDSM) and the tensions it causes among their group of shared friends/lovers was very telling. They tried to paint it as positive but she just sounded borderline brainwashed and was basically going along with everything he said.

I also assumed he was pretty well off since he is a prince, but after doing more research, it seems his primary income is AirBnB (which he rents out illegally through Instagram due to new laws) and his youtube channel. He used to live in a house in the Mojave Desert but appears to be living in his garage now and rents the main house out.

What a catch! I can't fathom why women his age aren't lining up to date him! /s

Does anyone else have tea on this man? he is so gross and even though Olivia seems like she is doing fine now, it makes me feel bad for imagining what went on behind the scenes.

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