The Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety .The USA spends more money on its military than the next eight nations combined.with 200,000 troops stationed in over 144 countries (2015)

My dad was a compulsive gambler and a drunk. My mother worked at a department store. We lived in a trailer in Mobile, Alabama. I'm a high school dropout with no college education. I make 850,000 a year and work maybe four hours a day 100% online. In the next five to ten years, as I've started to invest now, I should be making over a million a year, largely passively.

Your "cold hard facts" are non-existent. You're essentially spewing the same bullshit people have been spouting for hundreds of years - that there is a categorical system rigged against you, that money is stagnant once it reaches "the top" and doesn't move (which is not true, it changes hands constantly) and that the hand you'v e been dealt in life is the one you'll have to live with, as if you're a goddamned lower caste in India.

Yes - the mantra of failures. There's a reason so few people reach "the top", it's because the majority share your mentality and despise hard work.

People who are rich work harder than you, they put in more hours than you, they fail more than you could possibly imagine, they spend their time learning more than you do, they party less than you do, drink less than you do, go out less than you do, fuck less than you do, all so they can accomplish a goal.

That's what it takes for MOST wealthy people to get where they are. And when they do, people like you look up at them and spit, hold out your hands, and say, "you owe me."

There's a reason I gave up on even trying to help people anymore. For years and years and years, even when I started just doing a little well as I lived in a shitty broken-down apartment for $400 in the ghetto of Savannah, and what I learned is people don't want help.

I've seen people who are infinitely more educated than I am, more talented, more able, who sit around and say, "I can't, I can't, I can't." Try to tell them HOW they literally can, and they don't want to hear it.

Nothing I say to you is going to change your mind. You're going to go through your life imagining yourself as a victim. Instead of looking at the world's rich people and asking yourself, "How did they do what they did? Maybe I should study their habits and strategies so that I can get to a comfortable place in life for myself" you'll instead demonize them and feel as though they owe you something.

And you'll meet a lot of other people on your long, tumultuous journey to the middle.

Enjoy it.

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