People are getting real tired of anti-maskers.

Listen, I get you’re 15 and that was an edgy thing to say but you’re fucking dumb. To use the term maxi for anything less terrible than what the nazis actually did is really myopic. If you don’t have a smarter thing to say don’t just slap “nazi” after another word. It’s pathetic and disrespectful.

Also, no one gives a fuck if you don’t want to wear a mask. Put a fucking mask and get the fuck over it. No ones happy about it. We’re just doing it so we can finally get this pandemic behind us. We all have to live with the same looming threat hanging over us everyday. We shouldn’t have to deal with childish fuck face losers who throw a fit over putting a small cloth over their face.

The fucking government makes you put clothes on 80 percent of your body every time you want to go out but you don’t call them the “clothes nazis”. It’s just a fucking doily for your face. Quit being a little bitch and just put it the fuck on. Fuck, man, it’s not even for forever. Just sit the fuck down and stop ruining life for the rest of the class, denis

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