Do people emigrate to the West because of Western values, or is it simply because the West is rich and allows immigration?

I love America, but it is the capitalist shithole of the whole planet.

that's exactly what the ruling class would like you to believe.

yes, i am manipulated.

They LOVE..LOVE when you eat that utter horseshit up.

yes, these ice-cold technocrats are extremely emotional.

You believe that income inequality and unemployment, shittier and shittier wages despite an increase in production for years, and poverty is a result of immigrants.

no, i do not believe that. you are making things up.

You blame immigrants, uneducated or educated, for your lowering standards of living.

no, i did not.

The ruling class, top 1%, the bourgeoisie, whatever you want to call them,

i do not want to call them.

manipulates you into focusing on racial divide instead of the ACTUAL problem, which is income disparity and the corruption in our government.

i have never talked about "racial divide".

By the way, this is how Donald Trump became president.

you can explain so well!

Poor whites suffer from believing that its immigrants

i must shorten your amount of text. cannot possibly discuss all.

you're implying that immigrants are more capable than non-immigrants, basically. Lmao. Even though immigrants face language, cultural, and prejudice barriers, they are capable of "]coming] and take your stuff and your land."?????

what are you even talking about?

Did you not expect ethinic "ghettos" in a land that was founded upon slavery and oppression of non-whites?

btw, i don't speak about the USA. i speak mostly from a European perspective.

African Americans were raped, killed, taken from their homes, enslaved for centuries and still face immense systemic oppresion from the ruling class to this day, which is mostly white.

people like you would be slave-holders in olden times, because you are only fighting things that are long gone. now you are the racist, connecting cruelty with whiteness. that means you know nothing in history. why don't you get excited about the islamic slavetraders who sold the slaves to american ships? and that was only a minor business of theirs. the main trading route went from sudan to egypt, for many centuries.

I mean look at the protests happening all over the world right now. Everyone knows America has major racism issues.

i do not know that, because it is not true. they have equality of everybody.

I just saw a video of a group of thousands in Europe yelling "fuck trump." I dont see thousands in the America yelling "Fuck Angela Merkel" or "Fuck Emmanuel Macron" i??????

maybe all these people are manipulated? or deluded by an ideology? you are using the fallacy of the majority.

So here is some history for you, since you seem to lack a basic understanding

thank you very much. you are too good to me.

pretty self-explanatory

exactamente. now we are enlightened.

have a nice day, lmao

LMAO means you are actually spiteful. ideologists like you are not interested in a discussion. people like you want to kill the mind by talking like a reeducation officer.

you are funny: you imagine somebody (who i am not) and then answer to this imagined "enemy"; and you have bias over bias in your perception. you are nothing but an ideological parrot.

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