do people from the west care more about politics?

I would say it's because the West tends to be more politically aware in general.

I live in a country where our last president had not so subtle connections to an extrajudicial drug war and our current president is the son of a former dictator (The Philippines).

I see/saw a lot of dialogue from the West about this. A comedic shitposter YouTuber even references the former bit.

Of course, you have online communities and especially the student populace also up in arms about this, but a lot of the older population doesn't really care.

The truth is, life kinda sucked for a long while here. Corruption in the government has been a long established and accepted "fact". Trust in the government has been low for decades, if not centuries, if you count colonial times.

A lot of people aren't politically aware because life sucks, and the government sucks anyway. And those who do try to care get swayed by misinformation or don't have a good standard for what a properly functioning government should look like.

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