People nowadays thinking they deserve special treatment because of what happened to their people in the past is stupid

Well, I wouldn’t call it special treatment. It’s more like giving back to a community that’s been exploited for years. And I don’t think you personally owe anything. It’s more like the government. If people are saying that you personally owe them something because of ancestry then they’re in the wrong. The only thing I would have to ask is if you find yourself exploiting these people as well. If you’re making income off of someone else’s work then that’s where I feel like you’re apart of the group that does owe something. Where things end up getting tricky is when people don’t really know if they fall into that category, like for example you’re great 3x grandfather owned land that was stolen and you’re living on it or you’re reaping income from it without you knowing. In that instance you’re not really at fault because you didn’t know. However if you did know and choose to ignore this and attack the community that you stole from well then that’s an issue. I feel like we should be talking about it now because it’s been ignored for years. I think that the us in particular has been trying to brush off this part of history for a while by just saying that there’s no more laws that explicitly say destroy this community by doing x y z. The only way to fix something is to confront it and handle it properly or else we’re gonna be running in circles for years. I don’t think this should dictate how we handle things of course but I do think this should be addressed in some way. Im sorry people make it feel like it’s all your fault tho :(. I hate how people are blaming others for these things too. It makes the community seem like all we want is revenge when a lot of us just want to figure out a way to properly handle this.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread