People of Reddit that have quit a very well paid job because of the impact it was having on your life; what was the final straw for you, and how did it impact your life overall? [serious]

Long story, might get confusing, I'll edit for clarity if needed.

I worked in a call center, an out sourced billing rep for a cable company. I started out in the second training group for the campaign which was a month after the campaign started in my center. I worked there for almost a year when I was being promoted to floor support and was helping train the newbies that were right out of the classroom with hands on help before we threw them to the wolves.

After a year the campaign was going downhill and there were rumours that the higher ups were going to cut out campaign. The client was cracking down and setting standards that were unusually high that people were having a hard time following along with forcing sales when sales were an optional part of the job to begin with. A lot of the staff started leaving and they were pushing out more training classes than we had room on the floor with. On top of that they were raising the call volume to uncontrollable levels resulting in long hold times.

I was training at this point (classified as a 'Mentor' so I wasn't on the phones anymore but when they were cracking down they were pulling every stat possible and writing people up, including this one stat called NPS which is short for Net Promoter Score, a stat that was tracked depending on how many surveys got sent back. The higher the score, the more positive surveys you got back. It is VERY common for this score to be negative. The thing is though, the stat was glitched for majority of the floor, so out of the 150 agents that were currently employed at the campaign at the time, only 36 people were having this stat tracked. I happened to be one of them.

One day I came in and got an email saying I have a meeting with some of my bosses and there were maybe 10 other agents included in the email. I happened to be the only mentor. The meeting ended up being about the NPS score, and that all of ours were negative and that we had a month to bring it up or we would be fired. I only had 2 surveys sent back, one was positive and one was negative, making me have a score of 0. The thing is, I had been off the phones for a month at that time and I had no possible way of getting it up because I had other things to do than take calls. Everyone else in the meeting was on the phones during that time so there was no excuse for them to have a shit NPS score, where as I had a very valid excuse.

I argued it and I thought I was going to get passed on it, but the next week when the new training class came out, I was sent back to the phones and was essentially demoted. I didn't find out about this until I came in and the seating arrangement for the new trainee class that had my name on it was scratched out and replaced with someone who basically only had good sales and nothing else.

My bosses refused to meet with me and ignored my emails, when I went to their desks to try to get answers I got the "Ask the other one" and no one would give me an answer. They left me no choice and I took a job at a fast food place and put in my notice. I was gone at the end of the week. Fast food job didn't last either, maybe for 2 weeks and I noped out.

I miss it sometimes because I met all of my really good friends there but we all moved on. I have a better job that pays a LOT more and I have tons of flexibility when it comes to day to day work.

TL;DR: lost promotion for a bullshit reason, quit, have better job

/r/AskReddit Thread