People of reddit what are some of your near death experiences?

I fell from a tree on my back when I was a kid. I remember struggling to breathe, but my uncle was there.

I almost drowned, I didn't (and still don't) know how to swim, so the current was pulling me into deeper water. Some guy there pulled me out though. I was 11-12?

I fell off a bike, I was trying to ride it hands free on a road with pebbles and holes (country road). I woke up with bandages all over my head and cuts on my face in my grandma's house. Everyone was worried. I still have a bump on my forehead (it's small, my hair covers it, it kinda looks like a small horn lol)

I took too much dxm, I woke up on the floor, my head hurt, I had a hard time breathing. I went to the window to get some air, I thought I talked to some people who asked me if I wanted to die. Eventually I felt asleep, and the next day I was so dehydrated that my fist clenched. S.o. had to put a cup of water to my mouth

Od'ed again on dxm ( in my defense I was about to break up with my s.o., we fixed our relationship, I'm depressed and have an eating disorder). I stayed up all night in the hospital.

I should get therapy lol

/r/AskReddit Thread