People of Reddit, When is one time you have felt genuine, 100% fear?

Smoked pot for a few monthts. Then one time. I think I went into psychosis. Or I had a bad trip, or I had a panic attack. Or I was just tripping balls. But I remember getting 1-2 second lomg memory. I took in information but it left my memory just as soon as it entered and I was fully aware of it. I was just forgetting shit left and right. 5 minutes felt like an hour. I thought I had destroyed my brain. All I could say was "eeuuh." "Aaah" "woah" I knew how to speak but I just never thought of it.

Also like 10 minutes later (felt like a really long time) I melted in a grocery store. Super scary I felt like I was on fire. I just felt like I was burning without the pain part. My heart was beating faster then I could count. I think it was a kenetic hallucination. My heart reached impossible speeds.

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