People who have a dislike or hatred for a certain demographic of people. Who are those people and what's your beef with them?

"poor kids who were bullied till they had no other choice"

Which is so fucking dumb, I was bullied heaps. I just ambushed one pinned them on the ground and straggled him on and off so it got through his head I could kill him when he wasn't with his mates if I didn't let go. Problem, solved, didn't leave a mark, didn't harm him much, probably freaked him out psychologically but it got results and I wasn't bullied again. And honestly fuck it, I get hospitalized you get some psychological scarring.

Either way you don't need to bloody kill someone to get it stop. Just make them think you're crazy enough to kill them by doing an extreme display of violence with power control mixed in. I had no intention of harming that prick but he didn't know that.

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