People who don’t ever want to have kids, why?

I have absolutely no attachment to kids, they gross me out, make me super anxious, over stimulate me and take away all the time i can barely get to both keep my life functional, affordable, and hopefully still have time for fun here and there. I have never ever ever wanted kids, and that is okay. I also have ADHD and autism, so i know I'd end up taking my disfunction out on a kid who didn't deserve it. I'd resent it. I find body functions horrifying and the thought of something growing inside of me makes me want to stab my insides out. The smells of kids drive me nuts. The way they shout, touch your things, break your stuff, get in your space, interrupt your time, scream, argue, depend on you, drain your finances, the overpopulation of the world as we grow ever closer to food and water crisis the world cannot sustain, my absolute intolerance of my sleep being interrupted, my inability to have the forethought for even myself, let alone another human. I know my limits and they are absolutely without a doubt firmly set at just trying to take care of myself. I don't aspire to much except my creativity and friendships, and if i had to give up 20+ years of my life just to put that on hold when i barely have the energy at the end of the day just to cook and MAYBE draw or write or socialize, I'd just rather die than be a parent.

/r/AskReddit Thread