People who made it out of the friendzone, how'd it happen and how'd it go?

We were 14 when I met Adam and we quickly became really close. I was with his best friend for a couple of months and he had a girlfriend. We both respectively split up with our partners and started hanging out more and more, talking on the phone every night and I’d stay round at his house and sleep on his bottom bunk (with him on the top). This carried on until a friend told me she had feelings for him, I of course being a good friend told him and they quickly got together (we were 15 by this time).

We stopped hanging out and talking as she was jealous of our close friendship… After a few months (and him losing his virginity to her), they split up and our friendship continued as it had been before. Multiple friends/ family members assumed we were together and asked why not when we replied we were just really good friends.

A few months later we were at a party at a mutual friends and ended up sleeping on the sofa together (just sleeping). I got up on the middle of the night to go to the loo and my best female friend jumped in my spot as she’d been sleeping on the floor. I took her precious floor space when I got back. The next morning, she told me that Adam had kissed her (just once gently on the lips, then quickly recoiled when realising it wasn’t me) when she laid down next to him and in her mind that was proof that we were together. I assured her that wasn’t the case and that had never happened before. We all laugh now that our first kiss happened with my best friend instead of me! It was never spoken about at the time.

Well, a few months later we’re out at another party and stay at the same friends house, this time we sleep in the bed with another friend (completely innocent as we’re all friends). Not long after we thought my friend fell asleep, Adam kissed me and it was only then that a whole slew of emotions came rushing into me! I realised then that I was completely in love with my best friend of 2 years and was blindsided. So many people were right and I’d been wrong this whole time.

For us, it happened completely organically and grew from a really solid friendship into so much more.

Anyway, we now have a mortgage, 2 kids and are celebrating our 25th anniversary next year! So it all worked out in the end.

/r/AskReddit Thread