People who pooped on the bathroom floor in highschool, why?

This one time during a study abroad trip in Russia, we had eaten some like oily food for dinner. An hour or two later I decided to go for a jog, it was summer time in a northern city so the sun didnt go down till like midnight or later.

A couple miles into the jog I start to feel massive bubbling in my stomach but figure itd just be gas. So I loosen the sphincter a bit to let gas out but a tiny bit of poo got out. So I realized I'm in a time sensitive situation as whatever oil was used was really going to evacuate everything within my digestive system. I begin jogging back keeping the seal sealed as tight as possible, the bit off poo had already smeared. So I get within 2 blocks of the international dormitory, thinking I could make it, but then clearly my sphincter was no Hodor and i had 1 second to act. I'm in an alleyway but it gets high foot traffic most hours of the day as it was a great shortcut to classes and the bus stop, the tall dorms and other buildings have no windows directly facing it tho, and I see no one in sight so I drop my shorts and let it all gush out in the middle of the alley. It lasted just 5 seconds, if it were a cartoon I'd have shot to the moon the explosive diarrhea was so powerful. I pull shorts back up and try to walk as normal as possible.

I cannot believe my luck to have not passed anyone in the stairwell going 5 flights up or in the hallways. Was able to throw away my boxers and shorts and let the rest of the diarrhea shoot out, then shower and clean up without anyone knowing. The poo in alleyway wasnt cleaned up for a couple days, which was surprising since there were lots of stray dogs.

/r/AskReddit Thread