People who stayed in toxic relationships, why did you stay? Did you have an awakening when you did leave? What was the final straw?

My ex gf eroded my confidence and had an astounding ability to confuse me in our fights to the point where my mind was so twisted I had no clue if I was right or wrong anymore. It was an awful reality to live in and what’s worse is she was my most trusted, loyal, and long time friend. When we started dating I was sure she was the one based on our knowledge of each other and what we had been through together. It was my first experience with being gaslighted (if you don’t know what that is check it out). I’m clear proof that gaslighting can happen to even the strongest of minds. Research it and watch for the signs. It’s a real thing and just get out while you can. No one who truly cares about you will ever try to control you or watch you suffer with their mind games. I’m happy it happened though because I learned a ton and my confidence boomeranged back pretty quickly. I was relieved to be free, I’d rather be alone than with that shit.
But I’m not alone now and I’m with a wonderful woman who is caring and silly, she’s so supportive it’s actually improved me on a personal and professional level. Her supports carry’s me through the day and I never feel afraid to bring up an issue because then we just talk about it. Stay away from the gaslight.

/r/AskReddit Thread