PizzaGate Openly Acknowledged By WikiLeaks

This is not the position of a logical person.

It is a perfectly logical response to compartmentalize different sets of data. Wherefore when you attempt to discredit a volume of disparate claims by making a flawed refutation of one claim you tarnish your credibility and appear rather daft.

And the funny thing is that even if I did, it wouldn't matter, because you'd say "Well of course this doesn't indicate in any way that Alefantis rapes and murders children in the basement of his pizza restaurant, and of course that doesn't, and of course that doesn't, but I mean look at all this stuff. All of this together, even though none of them indicate the claims being made, and I have done literally nothing to logically argue why they all together should, somehow indicate that the claims are true"

Even if you did disprove that argument, which you didn't

I asked you to prove to mdelusional codewords existed in any capacity before pizzagate and weren't made up shit from 4chan. Your failure to do so, and literally everyone who believes this' failure to do so, is evidence that they are made up bullshit.

This was a cherry picked attempt to goad me into a discussion about one rather insignificant piece of this larger puzzle. I'm not interested in having debates about singular pieces of the evidence unless it is a part of a larger refutation which you and many others refuse to do, further tarnishing your credibility. If you have rock solid refutation of any point make a dedicated post for it instead of harassing users with your fallacious arguments.

I can't prove that they never at any point before pizzagate were not used as codewords for pedophilia. I don't have access to literally every communication given to or from a pedophile to disprove that.

Seems like you've just refuted your own argument for me. Lmao. Thanks.

I can't prove the negative. It is your job to prove that the claim is true, not mine to prove its negative. That is how logical arguments work, not that you would know.

Completely debunk every claim

What claims? The "claims" in question are generally in the form of "This Instagram post is weird", or something to that affect. And it is literally impossible to debunk that this thing weirds you out, whatever that even means.

You see now. There is a rampant false dichotomy that pizzagate must be either true or false. In reality the lack of more substantial evidence either easy its what warrants these continued investigations to prove whether pizzahate is:

Wholly false

Mostly false

Mostly true

Wholly true

By muddying the waters, as you are, you're hampering the investigation and attempts to reach any of these conclusions. Which gives the appearance that you are vested in information of note related to this matter not being discovered or spoken about through fallacious discrediting.

And then when you toss that Instagram post on your "mountain of evidence" and say that it is evidence that Alefantis rapes and murders children, and it is pointed out that no rational person could look at this Instagram post and, from it, deduce that the poster rapes and murders children in the basement of their pizza restaurant, you say "well yeah, but look at all this other stuff for which you could make that exact same statement. Because we have all of this stuff which is wholly unrelated to this thing, it's evidence now"

When did i toss the instagram out? Where have i ever claimed any of these things your claiming of me? You're literally delusional. Stop forcing your agenda and pay attention to what I'm actually saying.

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