I play Jim Halpert in real life, at work. May I request advice /experience of Senior Jims please?

I'll just bold every time you pat yourself on the back, and I'll stop when I get to 10. Let's see how far we get

I play Jim Halpert in real life

I consider myself to be varying between above-average and pretty good, in terms of general IQ.

(Who doesn't! Lol)

I admit, I'm not a finisher. I would like to imagine being almost a "multi-potentialite"

(reference that TED video)

I keep hitting new hobbies/things-of-supreme-interests, every 2-3 months.

I grasp things pretty quickly and learn tools and applications, much faster than most. Communication skills are pretty neat.

I absolutely relate with delivery of consistent mediocrity at work. Mediocre by my own standards, actually.

If you ask me,

I seriously do like 15-30 mins of solid productive work per work day of 9 hours, on average. (Just like office space guy)

(_I am not kidding _)

I deliver almost consistently on time which meets (80%) and at times exceeds (10%)expectations.

Yikes, not very far

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