As a player with only a 1.7 K/D. Yes, the Crucible is broken. And it's not just SBMM

I'm a .85 player.

Throwing me in with 2.0 means I'm either going to get stomped, or if they are on my team, we're going to stomp. Most people in my bracket aren't going to 'git gud'. We're working stiffs who don't have the skill/time/interest to be better. It's also where the vast majority of the game sits. I've played the game for a few years on/off.

When I go up against the guys who hit 1.5 k/d I die. Usually so much it drops my KD. When I go up against the guys who hit 2.0 or 3.0 I'm getting insta-fucked without ever seeing them or landing a shot.

It's not a matter of 'putting on your try hard pants', it's a matter of boring me to tears because no, there's no fucking way I'm going to compete with these guys, so I'm just going to zone out until match completion and then quit.

What am I supposed to learn from these guys? That snipers are 1-shot kills? That they know the sight lanes, and study maps while I'm working (not that I'm implying they don't have jobs, I'm not)? That they can land nothing but headshots for days while juking back and forth? That fusion and shotguns which offer 1-shot kills at mid-range are powerful? That by killing me before I can get off shots they fill up their supers incredibly fast, and can use them to dominate the map?

99% of the time I engage someone they're using weapons I can't because I either don't have 'the god roll' (which comes down to time spent farming, and knowing the meta) or don't have the time and ability to practice those glorious headshots.

I'm a casual destiny PvP player. I enjoy that the current meta forces people into the mid-range. At least I can see the people who slaughter me.

I still learn things, obviously, because I'm such a low k/d player. But it has to be someone who is at least close to me in skill, and the 1.5-2-3+ guys are just like 'brah, headshots, just headshots all day brah', which isn't helpful.

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