Playing GTA on an iPad using a PS3 controller. What a time to be alive.

You don't get all those features from the beginning on an Android device though. Yes Android is more open than ios but when you get into the tweaks and the smaller adjustments, you still have to root an Android phone to get the finer things. Modifications are needed in any case.
Why do I go iPhone? Specs on paper aren't everything. Apple products, to me, are made to last. They are premium devices (let's face it, at premium cost too!) but I've been with Samsung, Sony and HTC. Samsung S3, S3 mini, HTC One, Sony Xperia T. As someone has already mentioned, they come packed with bloatware and Samsung are one of the prime examples of this. The amount of shit you'll never use but they install anyway is beyond me. This will sound like I'm hating on Samsung (I'm not) but they also try to pack everything into the device, it's very gimmicky. Then people wonder why the battery drains so much - maybe because the front camera is always watching your eyes because you're too lazy to stretch your finger across the screen to swipe?! Ahem.
Updates! Unless you buy direct from Google Play or buy a nexus, updates are a huge pain in the ass. With iPhones, we get updates near enough instantly when they are released. Android phones work with the carrier releasing the updates. The updates come from each brand and go to the carrier, it's then their job to release them (which in my experience in Ireland, can take months for any simple bug update).
Apple haven't complicated the devices and they haven't bundled in a load of useless features. Apple also have the most secure and most functional fingerprint sensor.
The Apple App Store is safe. There are no cloned rip offs of actual apps, no malware slipping through. Even Cydia is trusted (once you keep to official repos).
I also think Apple have better implementation of Mail across loads of providers.

iMessage. The difference in the communities, I found XDA to be very "oh Google it and learn" or "search the forums, there's loads of posts on it!" - which I can see the point but the JB community, especially here, I think they're brilliant. Sure I've seen a few smart ass comments from some people but people really try and help people here, I think that says a lot in itself. Android development is mostly based around ROMs. Whereas Apple, you tweak the UI to match your needs. I personally have no problems with iOS and therefore don't need a new UI to satisfy me.
Android devices all seem to lag at a faster rate than Apple (in my opinion) especially when you get into modding, I was forever playing around with ROMs and doing fresh updates etc to keep my devices feeling fresh in the contract.
Finally - Android folk will always go on about their 4gb RAM, their CPU speeds, how they can cut power to one of the quad core processors to save on battery etc....Does iPhone need 4gb RAM? Nope. Look at some of the big title games on the AppStore. A lot of those games will play with no problems across a range of Apple devices, and yet with Android you need to meet system requirements because you actually need all these specs for your phone to function well, whereas Apple get further with less because it isn't stocked to the gills with useless crap and is actually a very functioning device that runs well on less power, even under stress.
I hate the snobbery of Android folk to Apple specs. They have higher specs because they need it with all the "handy" features they have. Apple devices don't need to overkill specs to function well. Ultimately the higher specs you have, the more battery drain. Even when they go on about expandable storage and replaceable be just as happy with a Morphy Space Pack.
I prefer Apple and won't be fooled by specs again.

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