This clip is still relevant 2 years later. Blizzard please undo this change.

Both mod1 and Ghosty exacerbated the problem. Preach reprimanded both of them and told Ghosty as the boss of the business PreachGaming to dial dow which Ghosty did not.

That's why you don't bring friends into your own business when you are the boss. Keep in mind both have families they need to take care of and Mike had been building his business for years. We don't know the full story entirely with every detail, so what if there was even more involved? What if he had removed mod1, kept Ghosty without reprimanding him and suddenly the other mods bailed due to that much of a preferential treatment? Iirc they don't only just moderate the chat. Things could have gone so many different ways that could have ended it failure and potentially loss of a lot of income. Naturally it also could have stayed the same but that wasn't a risk worth paying. And let's be honest: who, as the head of a family of 4 and a business owner, wouldn't have acted similarly?

We've literally seen the biggest WoW based esports organization implode in the ladt month because the leadership reacted too lax on drama (not the right word, I know. But it's in a similar gist).

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