Please please please god vaccinate your kids

My older kids were born at the height of that autism thing. I thought about it......and vaccinated them with a single measles vaccine. Because honestly people. OP's story is measles. It's not a 'childhood illness'. It's fucking deadly.

Was I an anti-vaxxer? Nope. Did I do a ton of research and do what I thought was best at the time? Absolutely. Leaving your children unvaccinated against things like diphtheria, measles or tuberculosis (particularly where I live, where 80% of the population is said to have a TB reservoir somewhere in their bodies) is absolutely uneducated and horrible.

I know there are potentially bad side effects to things like mumps and chickenpox, but I also know there are potential issues with shingles and whatnot in older teens/adults who were didn't do that one either. Taking your chances is something you do with the information you have available. If you don't know how deadly measles is and just jump on a happyclappy bandwagon because it seems cute, you have no business opting out.

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