POLL: Do you believe the holocaust happened?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and speculate that you haven't actually looked at any evidence whatsoever. You've probably never been to Germany, in fact. You've either heard or read the narrative and you accept it, agree with it, and feel compelled to enforce it against those who don't want to accept it or agree with it.

Well you really missed the mark on that one. I've been to Germany three times, two of which were after I learned German. I'm currently finishing up a degree and looking into a fellowship to do lab work in Germany. It's definitely my favorite country in Europe. Having said that, I don't how you think going to Germany really substantiates my (or your) opinion.

I'm also a history buff and read a lot of WWII books. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is one of my favorite non-fiction book (yeah, I know some of the issues scholars take with it. I treat it more or less as a 500 page crash course in the era). If you want to read a well researched book on the holocaust (and Stalin's terror campaigns as well as the interactions between Hitler and Stalin) I would recommend Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder. Its only flaw is that it gives a false sense of precision in the numbers but he nicely ties it together in the end why he did that. Anyways, if you want to assume that everyone who believes the official narrative does so because they were spoon fed it in school go ahead. Your ignorance.

You don't care who I am. You don't care how educated I am. You don't care how proven my rational mind is. You just want to badger me for not "believing in the holocaust". And by behaving in such a manner, you appear no better than Christians who want to try to convince atheists to believe in their concept of God.

Honestly curious about this one. I imagine most holocaust deniers as lacking critical thinking skills and brushing off the mountains of evidence against them as being "manipulations for by the Rothschilds, Mossad, or whatever". I don't see how anyone could have such historical tunnel vision without relying on such a cognitive mechanism. Somehow all the well researched books with references to primary documents and accounts are all controlled versions of the truth by 6mJewzlol.com and youtube videos were able to escape the this truth filter. Prove me wrong?

Look, you're in a very small minority that thinks that the holocaust didn't happen. That by itself doesn't make you wrong. But what that does mean is that most people, myself obviously included, think you're not only not giving 6 million people the decency to recognizing their deaths, but acting like the victims (as most people would see it) are actually manipulative scum. Of course you're going to get a little venom spit at you and calling you an idiot. This a cross you've chosen to bear. Own it instead of whining.

BTW, the link to the reification fallacy was a pretty half-ass rebuttal. Was that mean to actually be food for thought for me or were you just trying to pat yourself on the back for knowing a term for a specific fallacy? I'm not believing the official story because its been pressed into my brain through rote repetition to make it real. I believe it because its supported by numerous independent lines of evidence including Nazi documents, eyewitness accounts (on both sides), demographic changes pre vs post war, physical evidence, and even genomic evidence which all substantiate the official story. Of course, those are just Rothschild manipulations, right? Or maybe that pile of evidence makes the holocaust as concrete as any piece of history can be...

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