[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (24-3) defeat the Atlanta Hawks (6-21), 101-96.

DoNt FiX wHaT aIn'T bRoKe. i understand, the lakers are really fucking good, i like their rotation but it can def improve. Vogel likes to take LeBron out at 4 mins, AD plays the whole quarter, and Bron starts the second/fourth. and then out again around 8-7 mins with AD back in. i think he's gotta change that just a little. because by minute 10 AD's energy level understandably isn't too high. i think he should do it so Bron goes out sooner, like around the 6 min mark, and then AD out at the 10 min mark with Bron going back in after a nice 4 game min rest to close the quarter. and then play the first 4 mins of the second/fourth, and then AD comes back in. with Bron getting 3-4 rest. this is what their rotation is currently, just a little modified

/r/nba Thread