to predict a war with Iran

Like OP said, STOP LYING.

The same applies to Trump. The guy can't speak without lying through his goddamn teeth. He lies and exaggerates about EVERYTHING. (well... except that he would fuck his daughter Ivanka is she wasn't his daughter)

This guy is a fucking sociopath. If you can't see it, you're either purposely ignorant or a goddamn moron. (choose, up to you)

Oh, the USFL. This stupid fucker ruined what was becoming a decent league during the NFL offseason. This asshole decided it was best to try and go head to head in the fall against the league.

And that one time I stayed in a suite at the Taj (Trump Taj Mahal in case you don't know what the fuck I'm referring to) in AC and water was streaming down from the room above mine. The front desk was like "oh, what do you want us to do".

There's a

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