Pregnancy, weight, body issues, eating disorders (trigger warning)

I have had anorexia for many years. It caused infertility and multiple other issues. Once i gained about ten lbs we got pregnant. I have also been a long distance runner for years so I have always had a rockin' bikini bod.

Now I am 3 months pregnant and I have been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, which is extreme vomiting, so I have lost about 7 lbs. I will admit I am too thin and I need to gain the weight back (I am 5'8 and now weigh 120lbs) but my eating disorder is making it very difficult for me to eat to put the weight back on.

I just freak out if I have to eat even if I am not hungry and I go nuts not knowing how many calories are in things or how much I weigh. Every day is a struggle and I hope to get better for baby's sake. So I completely understand you. I try to remind myself this is only nine months of my life and I will go back to my normal self after so I should just enjoy pregnancy, but it is hard.

I am so sorry to hear about the affair. He doesn't deserve you anyway so screw him. I know I am not much help and can't offer advice, just want you to know I know what you are going through and we are strong and can make it through this the way our body looks is not representative of our self worth

I wish you the best of luck!

/r/pregnant Thread