Pressure Against Meds

I took two different antidepressants, one was Lexapro, the other I can't remember. The main side effect that affected not so much me at the beginning but started to wear my relationship out was was that my sex drive crashed from existence. I wouldn't say I was hyper into it, but then again, who in their early 20s and not depressed doesn't enjoy some good time? Well that went from 100 to 0 according to my ex. Don't get me wrong, we're still good friends so I trust her outside view of it. Personally, I didn't notice it until a the phasing out stage and it just didn't want to come back at all. Not being depressed and having the ADHD managed and still not managing to feel any desire can suck pretty badly (and can ironically cause depression). Anyway I am recovering from it, but that's a decade on now since I had my last pill of that stuff and recovery is ongoing. I heard horror stories from people who never regained it, so I count myself lucky. Another thing is weight gain, I personally didn't suffer that all too much, but others in my support group blew up like balloons and that took a huge effort to manage for them. Don't get me wrong, meds can be helpful when you lose all perspective and are totally unreachable for therapy, and admittedly I was very deep stuck in the rabbit hole before seeking help myself, but they are merely a crutch that hold you up while you try to get your footing back. Ritalin was also part of the very strictly monitored therapy, but again, it is important to keep in mind that meds were there to make therapy possible at all, not the therapy itself. I'm not going to kid you and say CBT is some kind of magic silver bullet where you sit for an hour every week with your therapist for a few months and you come out a changed human being, or that meds are the skateboard on which you can cruise through the finish line.If anything, it's hard work depending how deep down you're stuck in the abyss, but if you approach it like training for the marathon that is your life, it's more than manageable.

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