This pretty much sums up my childhood.

One of the many lessons I had drilled into me growing up. Others include:

"Do as I say, not as I do."

"Your words mean so little, no one is even going to listen anymore."

"We're not ignoring you; you just matter so little, your voice is like background static."

"Friends are wicked and sinful; your immediate family is all that matters. Do everything you can for your family, and expect nothing in return."

"Your wants and needs are irrelevant compared to our own. Support your parents' every whim."

"Do not speak unless spoken to; no one wants to hear your thoughts and opinions and no one shares your interests, nor will anyone ever."

"Your family are the only people that will put up with you, because they are legally obligated to."

"When asked a question, tell us the answer we want, not the one we need. Again, your thoughts and opinions are irrelevant, so keep them to yourself."

"No one understands you, and no one will ever try. You're not worth it."

"We will not force you to think a certain way, but if you don't think the way we want you to think, you will be punished."

"We will not force religion on you. But we had you circumcised, and attending Lutheran church, Sunday school, and going through Confirmation are all mandatory. And we will get extremely hurt and offended if you ever try to contest religion or spirituality."

"You are an ungrateful child, despite us giving you the gift of life. We deserve your undivided gratitude and appreciation."

"Tell us again about how good of a life we're giving you."

It wasn't until I reached college that I realized that not everyone's life was like that, that some parent's actually did give a shit about their kids enough to try and properly raise them. I've spent years and years now trying to figure out what life actually involves, a process that sucks when you're in your late twenties. Since there is only one instance in my entire memory that I can remember having talked with either of my parents about something other than my doing chores (and I quote verbatim: "Sex? Oh, you can read a book about that one day, you don't need us telling you about that stuff.") the vast majority of what I know is what I've gleaned from television and the internet.

After a few good rows, my parents at least realized in the last year that they pretty aggressively forced their introversion onto my brother and me. Doesn't change much with them, but at least they don't treat me as much like a dishrag when I come around.

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