pretty shitty community

So let me get this straight, guy offers to do tons of work for free. Guy wants to collect money now for said work. People don't want to give him enough money to make video (last check I saw he would have been getting $86 per video, which a A WHOLE LOT MORE than he probably ever would have gotten) Guy gets mad and quits making videos.

And we are the entitled ones?

I just don't understand why put so much effort into making a video that clearly has shitty editing on it. My opinion that the Cox meme was much higher quality than his 20+ hours of editing to make that other video is spot on. HE should learn how to work more efficiently and make better quality videos. Not cry about how he's not getting money.

Another point is why do you need the chat superimposed onto the video? Why not just show the whole stream screen? Probably would have saved about 90% of the time he spent editing. Just my thoughts.

I originally started this as a hobby to help with depression but it's played out now and needs to be a income-generating project.

So is his depression cured? If this helps his depression then he should gladly continue doing it as a form of treatment and then still accepted what little ($750/month @ 2 vids a week full time) money we were offering to give him. On top of what little money Youtube would have given him. THAT is what would be win/win. Doing something you love that's helping you with depression AND getting a little spare change for it.

WHat I really believed happened was he was expecting $500/week to make shitty quality videos. And to be totally honest Steven, if you appreciate them so much then go ahead and hire him and pay him do to them.

/r/Destiny Thread