Price of 40-year-old cancer drug hiked 1,400% by new owners

Just thought I'd share this quoteDo Bill Gates and Magic Johnson attend the cloning center? "Bill Gates is there often,.. just sits there watches never says much,.. Unknown about steve jobs I'd have to see his face,... they have the cure for a few different types of cance and they have the cure for aids, magic Johnson no longer has aids, he was given the cure, he says hes taking it a day at a time, he is a rotten bastard hes the spokesman for aids they keep the cure to themselves, as the pharmeceutical companies make big money off the aids pills and they have them stockpiled too, and these drugs are needless, the cure for aids is one injection,awareness or something... he knows there is a cure,... he s a low level illuminati member." Jul 16, 2012 at 4:38pm - Donald Marshall

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