The problem of Islamic marriage in 3 comments.

As I said yesterday: Practically criminalising social interaction with the opposite sex and promoting gender segregation in society, is what helps to ferment the presence of inexperienced and sexually frustrated individuals - coming across as awkward/annoying to the opposite sex - as well as allowing for implicitly same sex relationships and pornography use to occur, not to forgot helping to ferment loveless marriages and a increase in cousin relationships/inbreeding and the resulting health problems/complications it can cause - map showing the high levels of cosanguinity in Muslim majority countries, likely a result of intergenerational inbreeding via cousin marriages, exacerbated by gender segregation.

“There’s a misconception that parents often force their daughters to marry within the family. Our segregated lifestyle often doesn’t allow for mixing of the sexes except within the family environment, so many times the only chance of falling in love is within the family, because you are completely closed off from others,” Saudi author Samar Fatany told Reuters.

"In recent years Gulf countries have introduced mandatory premarital testing for genetic diseases including sickle cell anaemia, as well as infectious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. In Qatar, counselling is required if a potential genetic problem is detected, though the couple are free to marry if they choose"

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