Profound changes in the next 40 years?

I always enjoy answering this question with all of the best trends added as they appear in the news.

.) Mobile homes that collect energy from heat, light, waste, water and wind. Collect water. Computer screen wallpaper. A StickBot that cleans, straightens and washes.

.) Software that thinks like a human and makes suggestions that help you to improve your own creativity. 3D printers that can print any exotic material. StickBots that can assemble those materials under your guidance.

.) Computers in your cap bill that project true holograms that tell you about the things in your field of vision and obey camera and radar gestures and voice. Internet(Archives) anywhere networked by a series of stationary atmospheric balloon nodes.

.) High speed trains that can take you and cargo from Europe to South America via underwater tubes. (See EuroTunnel for an example).

.) Affordable military flights that can take passengers briefly into space.

.) Augmented Lucid Dream virtual reality. You share a dream or a waking event with many people. Like an upgraded Twitter Periscope social experience. See Existenz(1999).

.) Khan Learning. You learn at your own pace. Then you apprentice with 3.) above. Then you finally DIY(do it your self)by working with a face to face teacher.

.) Politician, Researcher, Artist, Student, Gym Member, Teacher, Caregiver/Doctor, Soldier/Police Officer, Volunteer, as a full time paid job. Most people in our near future will have knowledge in many areas. Medicine, Engineering, Agriculture. They will have many of these job titles.

.) A world federation that watches and maintains standards of living for people in every corner of the world. (Not sure how this generation feels about that one.)

.) Most diseases and physical impairments eradicated.

/r/Futurology Thread