A prostitute telling the horrifying tale of her life.[nsfw]

I've had a very similar growing up. Except my stepdad not only molested us, he also pushed hard drugs on us. When I finally got courage to tell my mom, she refused to leave him. That shattered me. I thought for sure she'd protect us. But why would I think that, she's done nothing but beat the shit out of me my whole life. I've got some real horror stories from my childhood. But, I have proof that my life is this fucked up. Stepdad finally fucked up real good and got caught in an online sex sting operation in Houston. He was going to a house to meet a 12 year old girl and met the cops instead. See? This is the face of my torment. He was all over the TV and Facebook because the sting ended up catching a high school teacher and some other big wig guy. I've been through a lot of pain and torment. Drug addiction. But you know what, I beat cocaine cold turkey. He kept trying to push it on me, leaving it on my bathroom sink. He kept trying to get me addicted to it so I'd give him head for more. I did anything he gave me for a long time because I just wanted to ignore the pain. But one day I told him I'm never doing it again. He kept leaving it around in my face. I quit cold turkey, completely. I always thought it was just me he was molesting. But once my sister told me what was happening, she hinted at it. It gave me all the strength to tell mom. I was always afraid to tell her because my mom and him are both extremely unstable and there are guns in the house. I was afraid for my two sisters. But telling her did nothing. It took years, but now, finally some justice. My middle sister took a lot of the molesting too. She is now in the process of injecting T to become a man. The youngest is actually his offspring, and says she was never touched, but who knows. The youngest has already had a baby from some druggie asshole. She's only 17 and her baby is now two years old. I've taken so many beatings to try to protect them. But if it wasn't him fucking them up, it was my mom. We've been through hell. I can't work because of a few disabling conditions now, plus my mental health isn't so great. I get very depressed when I think about what I could've done with my life if I just had loving parents. All through school I had straight A's. My principal wrote my grandma (I grew up in a trailer park eventually with my grandma after my mom's then boyfriend got arrested, who used to beat the crap out of me with a belt when I was 3-5 years old). Anyways principle wrote my grandma saying I was going to put the city on the map! I was proud. No one ever came to my plays or reward ceremonies and I didn't get to go to the state final spelling bee because no one would take me. But I got a nice 2nd place ribbon for it. I have two photo albums full of rewards. Including the Richard W. Brinkoff award that I received when I was in 6th grade. I had to go to the high school to get that reward. All my high school classes were geared towards me becoming an engineer. I had to have top notch grades to be part of the vocational drafting and engineering class. I worked with Autocad 2000 at the time. Also did manual drafting work on paper. Bah, it's a long story but I got a letter for scholarship and then mom decided it was time to move. I'm typing too much. I'll just end it here. Needless to say, now I live in the ghetto surrounded by all the rest of the undesirables and broken lives. I've developed agoraphobia and cannot seem to leave the apartment. I haven't left in three years. I wish so much that I could get medical care and get healthy. I want to work so badly, but my body is in shambles. I've had so much heartache. At least I'm drug free. I quit that crap cold turkey at age 25. I'm proud of myself for that. I'm now 33 and and I've been clean the whole time. I just wish I wasn't trapped. My goodness this has become quite personal, I'll probably delete it soon out of embarrassment. I guess I just wanted to say that not everyone tells these stories for pity. A lot of them are very real. sigh

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