Proud Boys assault a Boogaloo Boi for wearing a BLM patch

Hey there. Homeland Security major with certificate in domestic terrorism and radicalization intelligence here. You’re a fucking moron. I’d love to take the time to pull the statistics, but you really shouldn’t listen to what Twitter tells you. The occurrence of crime rate is far greater on the left with organizations such as Antifa (latest), ALF, ELF, etc. The only far right has been the KKK which has died down to roughly 2,000 members within the past few years with minimal activity with the exception of shitty “recruiting” events. Proud boys numbers in comparison to antifa/blm in the amount of 1) Personal Property damage 2) Commercial Property Damage 3) Life and Health are far less significant.

While here, funny how reddit users accept the lack of context in any video. There is no patch that can be seen. They do not claim to be associated with the Proud Boys.

I am not taking sides with any particular group as they all disgust me. Antifa, Proud Boys, BLM, etc. I know this will get downvoted into oblivion because if there’s one thing reddit users hate, it’s facts. Just do us all a favor and don’t spread idiotic propaganda to fuel your leftist ego. I suggest you do more research.

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