PSA: Hey, gullible idiots. None of those stories about "straight" guys looking to fuck dudes are real.

Well I have to recognise that I also do say I'm into "masculine" men. But I don't feel like it's a fetish or something like this, it's just that since I'm pretty much a kid, when you see a representation of a gay guy it's pretty much always a flamboyant guy.

And don't get me wrong I have absolutely nothing against flamboyant guy, but that just doesn't work for me. So in opposition I tend to say I'm into "masculine", but what I like is really just a man that doesn't care about the stereotypes and be himself.

That's why I love the bear community so much, those guys are just not giving shit about how you act and how you look, as long as you're tolerant you got nothing to worry about (except for the side of the bear community that apparently requires you to be a bear to be part of, but I haven't met this one).

That's what annoys me so much in the first comment, like, just because I'm not flamboyant I'm "straight-acting" ? And I hurt the gay culture ? I mean, you can have a gay culture if you want, I don't give a shit, but I'm not going to start deliberatly acting "gay" just because otherwise I don't fit the stereotype and I'm supposedly hurting a gay culture I don't even care about.

That's so fucking aggravating. And then when you tell to people you're gay, they're being like "but you don't look gay". I just don't fit the stereotypes, Then what ? I still have a boyfriend.

And not only we have to justify to the heterosexuals when we don't fit the stereotypes, but now some gays are blaming us for hurting the "gay culture" ?

Fuck that bullshit, I'm just a normal human being, I just happend to have a male in my bedroom. If the "gay culture" is so intolerant about acting normal that you get called out for being "straight acting", that's a culture I don't want to be part of.

It's 2016, I'm not a living gay flag advocating for gay rights. I don't hide myself, I don't hide my sexuality, but I won't start "acting gay" neither.

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