[PSA] Neversink filter might be hiding Cluster jewels from you.

Not sure if my words will reach you after you heard Neversink who is considered autority first and mods already deleted that thread but I will still try.

I didn't actually disabled anything. I never hid medium cluster jewels. Update just screwed things up as I said.

He didn't tried to disprove anything about Empower and Enlighten since it's true that all versions show them. I mention that if you edited these rules before update and moved these gems around they would most likely be hidden, just like they were for me.

He is right about his bias though. We didn't started on best terms and he still hates me, but I never did any threads like that This is straight up not true.

Shame that mods instantly deleted it as soon as NS responded. Same thing could happen to other people.

/r/pathofexile Thread Parent