Publish the damn salary!

Either everyone does or there is problems. I have seen and heard countless business owners tell me recently that posting it just means they get swamped with low quality applicants chasing a dollar, ultimately making it harder for qualified individuals and inevitably leading to mass cancelations, difficulty retaining and attaining decent staff. Mind you I come from an area where some detail is fairly common.
It is now cheaper and easier than ever to program out, automate down or outsource virtual work overseas for 1/10th the price or better without the low quality labor. And more importantly lack of staff has driven necessity for rapid evolution. If you know what you are worth you can get it. If you are not getting that value, go to an industry or environment that is stable and matches the value you bring. I am not here to be rude, unfortunately too many people can't see or ignore the extremely quickly changing market. Many robots and software drop 40% in price annually but wages go up. It isn't sustainable to compete or believe that value you one had will remain valuable.

/r/WorkReform Thread Link -