Putin loving, right-wing troll, Greenwald, weighs in with last minute smear of Tom Perez. He must know Ellison is going to lose because Greenwald is radioactive in DNC. Trying to cause hate and dissent in the party to help Putin/Trump.

He hates Democrats more than he dislikes Trump.

No evidence of this of course but even so I see people here claiming he likes Trump not this.

He also repeatedly insists that any discussion of Russia's interference in the 2016 election is a "smear" of critics of the Democratic Party

Also untrue, he says calling skeptics of some of the Russia reporting 'tools, useful idiots, etc.' has become a smear. He thinks the Russia stuff has been over hyped or rushed (several stories have been walked back), but he has been calling for an investigation into the Russia connections for months. So the idea that you are saying he "denies" interference is a straight fiction. He doesn't trust IC just telling us it is so but he's said in on air interviews that Russia doing these things is obviously very possible. So I mean you saying his position is denial as in the claims must be false is just a pure fabrication of his stance on your part. He literally has gotten nowhere near saying it is false let alone unlikely.

Having got stuck attacking the Democrats, he can't actually stop now

What does this mean? Are you trying to say he hasn't been attacking Republican politicians in the last months? B/c that could be debunked in about 2 seconds of searching. He attacks all sides. Again you can't get much wrong by saying 'I'm skeptical, I want more investigation w/ transparency before ramping up a second Cold War'. You can certainly say he has been too soft on this, but again you seem to be under the very false assumption that he has said Russia did no meddling, which of course he hasn't. You could argue effectively I suppose that he has staked out a position of thinking Putin is less of a threat to this country than many seem to believe.

My main point here would be you seem to be saying quite explicitly that you think Glenn has denied the possibility of Russian interference. That would be an untrue thing to imply.

See the problem is he praises some Democrats for some things and is hard on many others. I see zero evidence in his writings that he likes Trump in any broad sense at all. He stood squarely against the ban, this new press kick out, a bunch of Trumps rhetoric, against Milo. I just have trouble with the way some people in this sub paint him as like allied with the alt-right. It's so clearly no the case. Argue against his actual stances. You can certainly argue he takes tons of shots at Democrats. That isn't equivalent to liking Trump or Republicans though and I wish this sub seemed more sane when it comes to that false-equivalency.

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