Q4BP: On the idea that RP men have only ever experienced "low quality" women...

Sure, lots of people follow ideologies, but they don't follow the same one. So generalizing about 3.5 billion people is not the same as generalizing about adherents to a nonsensical philosophy with sharply defined rules and beliefs.

When you generalize, you discriminate. However terpers arent doing harm to those they interact with long term, they're only harming themselves. So in the case of TRP, the harm done by the generalizing is fairly limited and self-inflicted.

TRP does not help you accept your limitations. It tells you that the problem is women. AWALT. Women are shitty. Knowing that women are shitty this is how you treat them (The aforementioned douchey behavior). And that's the bulk of TRP.

Terpers go through a series of mental hoops to explain why their behavior isn't terrible. Calling it "amoral" as if subscribing to a coo-coo philosophy suddenly makes you immune from what's ethical or not, is the most commonly used one. Next is: but what do you care, how does it hurt you? Or: but I'm not dating men.

We've seen it all. Terpers have a common philosophy, a common belief system, common patterns of douchey behavior, and common reasons for how they rationalize how terrible their thoughts and behaviors are.

The ones I have hope for are those that don't want to be immoral, terrible people. And they take offense that others consider them to be so unethical even while they're rationalizing it away.

Lots of people go through shitty phases in life and treat those around them terribly. And sometimes they grow out of it. At least, there is a desire to be a decent human being even if they are struggling with bad influences during a vulnerable period in their life.

And some just relish being terrible. I don't think there's much hope for them.

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