The most expensive version of the ROG Ally costs $699

I am probably gonna get dogpiled for this, but I find this to be... Meh

Yeah price is good. But people claiming this will blow the steam deck out of the water are jumping onto a hype train that is only, kinda dumbfounding to me.

First, spec wise, maybe beats the deck. But you are running windows, not Linux. Linux often has better performance due to low overhead requirements. So, the better specs on the ROG Ally here may be slowed down by the windows OS.

Which brings up the second point. Windows tends to slow down and get more bloated with time, much faster than Linux.

Third, the SteamOS integration with the deck is TIGHT. I have the deck, its awesome, and though I wish the best for Asus I really can't see them melding the hardware and software together as well as Valve did with the deck

4th, the deck is massively moddable and repairable. Just how does this compare? Is it even slightly repairable?

And finally, we can expect steam deck updates, support, parts, and iterative generations in the future. With the ROG Ally here, we really haven't seen any of this.

Make no mistake, I am glad to see other PC handhelds come to the market. I suspect Valve is too, considering their efforts to promote the idea to manufacturers. However, people claiming that the ROG Ally is equal to, or better, than the Deck before it even launches, are absolutely huffing paint

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