Questions about moving up to management? (Eventually)

Listen, I know this is not the answer to the question you ask. Think LONG AND HARD before pursuing a life in hotel management. 1)Especially in small properties. In my experience, all my coworkers at the front desk were kids age 18 - 22. None of them gave a fuck about the desk, and did the least amount possible. When it snowed 1 flurry, they called out. When it was a holiday, they bailed. The housekeeping staff was a bunch of ex-cons. They also were calling out or not showing up, or sleeping in rooms, or not changing bed sheets. The housekeeping department was ALWAYS understaffed, so you were constantly hurrying the women, and begging them to take extra rooms. The laundry person? Yeah, the laundry was also always behind. Our 1 maintenance guy was a drunk. He claimed he would fix things, and clear them in the computer, but they weren't fixed. So, in my situation, I found myself there working weekends, holidays, peak times, bad weather, good weather...all the time. There was sooo much frustration and it would never end. Eventually I got out. Anyway, the point is, when you're young, you don't mind dealing with asshole customers, lazy coworkers and ex-cons on the weekends and holidays. But there's going to be a time when you grow up, get married, and have kids. You won't be able to (or won't want to) work Thursday's 3 -11, and then find yourself doing Friday's night audit. You'll see that it's going to snow tomorrow, and you can't stay the night at the hotel to make sure there's a front desk clerk available tomorrow's 7-3 shift. (because you'll need to be home with the kids, because there's no school) You'll get sick of folding towels over and over and over again. PS, one time, in my nice silk shirt, I had to scoop puke out of the sink because the housekeeper refused to do it. I've also cleaned rooms and plunged toilets.
PPS Another time I found beer in a chekouts room, after the housekeeper missed it. I poured it down the drain and chucked the bottles in the trash. I was accused of drinking on the job because the breakfast person saw the bottles in the trash. I don't drink on the job. I was disgusted. However, when all of your coworkers are scumbags, they tend to assume you are one too. PPSS As a side note, pay attention to the reputation of the management company. All of this happened at a hotel that was owned by a management company with a bad reputation. I have had better experiences (though none good enough for me to stay as a career) at other hotels. 2) I also worked at a world class resort in Las Vegas. I was one of a staff of 3000. That job, however was great. My suggestion is: if you must got into hotel management move to Vegas and do it there. Not at some 84 room Fairfield Inn, at the junction of major highway 1 and major highway 2. You'll regret it.

/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk Thread